Lithium Golf Cart Batteries – Charge into the Future with Albion
There is a huge disruption happening in the electric golf cart world. After over 70 years of dutiful service, the Lead-acid battery powered golf cart is making room for the age of Lithium power. This blog takes a look at this new trend and will give you enough information to make an educated decision on how to power your next new electric cart or what choice you should make at battery replacement time.

Despite its advanced age (invented in 1859), the lead acid chemistry continues to be in wide use today. There are good reasons for its long run; Lead-acid is dependable, recyclable and relatively inexpensive. The Lead-acid technology improved modestly over the years and faced no challengers to its dominance…until Lithium! Rechargeable Lithium-ion technology hit the market in the early 1990s. The inventors won a Nobel prize in chemistry. Until recently, Lithium has been viewed as a somewhat unproven and expensive technology. So why are some of the world's leading golf cart and utility vehicle manufacturers shifting to Lithium-ion batteries? Simple answer: The technology is now proven! Why have informed commercial and consumer purchasers chosen the more expensive Lithium solution? Simple answer: They have done the math!
What makes the math favour Lithium? Here are the numbers, features and benefits:
Lithium costs approximately 2 to 3 times Lead-acid. However, Lithium life expectancy is 3 to 5 times longer. Up to 15 years of service.
Lithium has between 3000 – 5000 charging cycles as opposed to 500 - 800 charging cycles with a typical set of lead-acid batteries.
Lithium warranties are a minimum of 5-6 years. (Lead-acid mostly 1-2 years)
Lithium charge times are 2 to 3 hours versus 8 to 10 hours for traditional lead-acid batteries. Hence, fraction of the “out of wall” power required and quick turnaround between rounds or cruises.
Lithium has a self-discharge rate of 2 to 3% per month; lead acid can be as high as 33% per month. Lithium will store without worry during winter.
Lithium will make a golf cart 300lbs lighter, increasing torque and performance characteristics of the cart. This also reduces wear and tear on a golf cart's controller, motor, suspension, frame, steering racks and tires.
Zero maintenance with Lithium; no adding water, no cleaning corrosion, or checking acid levels. Huge labour saving in fleet scenarios.
Zero emissions. No gases or acid spill to worry about. Non-explosive.
Zero fade over time with Lithium. Consistent power throughout the charge.
Significant range increase dependent on Lithium model selected. At least 2 times the range of traditional lead-acid batteries.

As you can see, there are many reasons to consider Lithium over Lead-acid. Albion Golf Cars can help customers join the trend to Lithium power. If you are in the market for a new vehicle, we have the latest products from Club Car and E-Z-GO, all with Lithium options. If you want to convert your current electric cart, we have retrofit options for you. These start at $2,500 and are currently in stock. (RoyPow 51V/56Ah retro-kit shown in photo) Let us know how we can help. Contact us by phone at 416.236.1001 or by e-mail for options and pricing.
Albion is an authorized dealer for AGT Electric, Club Car Onward, Club Car Carryall and XRT Utility, Garia Luxury Cars, Garia Utility and MOKE America. We are also an experienced vendor of E-Z-GO, Cushman and Yamaha brands.
Albion Golf Cars of Toronto is dedicated to providing new and used golf cart and utility vehicle solutions for our customers. Founded in 1973, we pride ourselves as being customer focused, committed to constant improvement, and a service leader in our field. We provide knowledgeable sales, custom outfitting, fleet rentals, special event rentals, in-house and mobile service, parts and accessories. Our personnel are well trained, driven, entrepreneurial, and focused on providing only the best products and service for our customers.